Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 38: Store-Bought Apple Cider vs. Fresh Juices Experience

EDIT: Please read my Nearly 3 Years Later: 3 Broken Bones & 200+ Pounds - The Long-Term Effects of Juice Fasting update before considering juice fasting.  I hope that my experience will provide you with real-world information about long-term juicing.

Weight: 145.6
BMI: 33.8 %

The craziest thing happened yesterday.  So I am getting a tad lazy these last few days of the fast, and I bought a jug of apple cider from the store, which is pasteurized.  Right after I drank some of it, I had tummy rumblings and flatulation.  Here's what's so interesting: I juice apples all of the time, and nothing happens to me; I just go about my day and don't think twice about it.  Why is it so different?  Now when I think about it, I even remember having regular, store-bought, pasteurized apple juice in the past and having the same tummy issues.  But this doesn't happen with fresh apple juices that I make.  Something has to be so different that my body reacts violently to the store-bought, pasteurized juices but doesn't for the fresh juices.

So once again, fresh juices are the only way to go with a juice fast.  They truly are different from store-bought, pasteurized juices.

Last night we picked up a used Body Solid home gym set.  We found it on Craigslist.com and it was super cheap considering if we bought the same system new it would be about $5,000.  We paid a tiny fraction.  Hooray for Craigslist.com!

My significant other complained that when I was 128 pounds that I was too thin - almost boney.  So we agreed to get this so that I can tone up and hopefully won't be so gaunt looking.  He's really looking forward to using it as well.  This machine is HUGE, and I have no idea where we're going to put it.

I am super sleepy since we had to tear this thing down last night at the original owners' home and try to fit it into two vehicles last night.  We are surprised that we managed to get it all to fit!   Now the trick is going to be putting all back together. : /

Two more full days.  I think what I am looking forward to the most is some normalcy including sitting down with my significant other at the dinner table and just spending time with him over dinner.  I still walk pup, and that has been wonderful for me (and for pup - silly spoiled girl).

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tip: Take Oranges Out of the Fridge the Night Before

I try to remember to pull the oranges that I need for the following day out of the fridge and set them on the counter.  Otherwise my fingers usually end up numb from peeling three or four oranges at a time, because they are so cold from the refrigerator.  I found that if I sit them on the counter the night before, they are room temperature by the time I am peeling them and it is much more tolerable.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Supersize vs. Superskinny

BBC's Supersize vs Superskinny is a shocking look into the very different but similar lives of super-sized and super-skinny people. This can be disturbing as it tackles the issue of extreme eating (over and under).  They pair a skinny and an overweight person together for five days and they are to eat each others' normal meals during that time.  It seems that, at least for the first episode, the two volunteers learn a lot about each other and learn to respect one another, which is so refreshing!

Gillian McKeith keeps it light by tackling the ever-expanding bum and is on a No Big Bums! mission.

Then Anna Richardson, a journalist, interviews a former model and finds out to what extent some models go in order to remain skinny.  Then she gives the crazy diet a try and is humorously candid about the ordeal.

Overall, the only episode I have watched [below] has helped me put things into perspective and really evaluate my goals.

Please note that there is nudity, so do not watch this at work. 

Below are parts 1 through 4 of season 1, episode 1.

Supersize vs Superskinny, Season 1, Episode 1

Cost of Juice Fasting

EDIT: Please read my Nearly 3 Years Later: 3 Broken Bones & 200+ Pounds - The Long-Term Effects of Juice Fasting update before considering juice fasting.  I hope that my experience will provide you with real-world information about long-term juicing.

The overall cost of juice fasting depends on several variables including when you fast (fruits and vegetables are more expensive during the winter months); where you shop; and whether you buy organic or non-organic produce.

On average, I spend between $150 - $200 a week.  This includes the occasional kombucha tea (yes... I haven't given those up) and Gerolsteiner mineral waters. This figure isn't written in stone; yours may be more or less depending on how much you drink.

Of course I try to buy only organic produce, and I tend to shop at our local grocery store chain.  I have completed fasts using Whole Foods produce, but I have noticed that I can purchase just as nice fruits and veggies at a lower cost elsewhere.

Hopefully this will give you an idea of how much it may cost.  Remember, there's a chance that it's the choice between a bump up in your grocery bill or potential medication costs for weight-related ailments.

Epsom Salt Bath During a Juice Fast

EDIT: Please read my Nearly 3 Years Later: 3 Broken Bones & 200+ Pounds - The Long-Term Effects of Juice Fasting update before considering juice fasting.  I hope that my experience will provide you with real-world information about long-term juicing.

One way that I have found to assist my body during the detox process is to take an Epsom salt bath.  Sounds strange, I know; but this is how I stumbled across this little gem:

When I was in middle school, I had an ingrown toenail, which was infected and generally gross.  The doctor took one look at it and said that all I needed to do was to put my foot in a bucket of warm water with Epsom salt, since the salt would "draw out any of the infection."  He was right.  It worked.   During my first fast, I thought to myself, "Since it works to pull out the infection out of my toe, I wonder if it would work for the rest of my body." 

Knowing how porous our skin is, it stands to reason that if chemicals and toxins can enter into our bodies through our skin, then perhaps the toxins can be pulled out of our bodies through our skin as well.  Plus taking baths make me sweat, which is a known form of detox.  In fact, that's why many people use saunas as a form of detox.  So it may be possible that the Epsom salt assists in pulling the toxins away from the body as they are purged through the sweat.

Whether my logic is flawed or not, I drew myself a warm bath and put about 1/4 cup of generic, inexpensive Epsom salt.  Since I associated "salt" with drying out my skin (whether correctly or not), I also added a little bit of natural bath oil.  I soaked for about 15 minutes, opened the drain of the tub, and quickly washed the oil out of my hair.

My skin looked fabulous after an Epsom salt bath! It glowed.  And my hair?  It looked lusciously healthy; it's almost as if the salt pulled all of the impurities and build-up out of it.  Despite not knowing whether the Epsom salt bath actually draws out toxins from within my body or not, I still enjoy periodically taking one to rejuvenate my skin and hair.

Warning: For some reason, only while juice fasting, I am completely nauseous soon after I stand up after taking this bath.  Sometimes I have to quickly step out of the shower and lay down on the bath mat until the nausea dissipates.  I can only speculate why this happens.  Perhaps it's because the Epsom salt "shakes" things loose as it draws the toxins out, and my standing up has basically shaken things up causing those toxins to move throughout my body.  Again, who knows?  I did warn a friend about this who was juice fasting, and he called me later to thank me for warning him.  He had the same issue when he stood up after his bath.